Supports Families, Children, & Child Care Providers
in Centre, Juniata, Mifflin, Northumberland, Snyder & Union Counties
Low Income Families
The Early Learning Resource Center for Region 8 provides assistance to low-income families who need child care due to work, work-related training and/or attending school. Funded by the PA DHS, OCDEL, subsidized Child Care is paid for in part with tax dollars from the State and Federal government.
In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a parent or primary caregiver responsible for children under the age of 13 years of age; and must also characterize your financial situation as low income or very low income. In order to qualify ALL parent/caretakers MUST Work an average of 20 or more hours a week; OR Work an average of 10 or more hours and attend an accredited training program an average of at least 10 hours a week.

Annual Income Limit
for Subsidized Child Care
(effective 05/01/20223)
Financial Assistance
There is often a waiting list for assistance. Until funding is available, you will need to pay privately for your childcare. All families are assessed a weekly family copayment according to family size and gross annual income. The copayment covers all children in the family requesting child care but it may not cover all the costs of child care. It is best to ask your provider about these charges in advance.
The income limits listed below are not the final consideration for subsidized child care, as there are a other factors that are taken into account when assessing your eligibility.
If you believe that you may not be eligible, you should still consider applying.

EVERY Family must meet the following criteria:
You must live in Pennsylvania.
ALL children needing care MUST be a United States Citizen or legally admitted alien for permanent residency.
Have proof of identification for each parent or caretaker in the home.
ALL parent/caretakers MUST Work an average of 20 or more hours a week; OR Work an average of 10 or more hours and attend an accredited training program an average of at least 10 hours a week.
Training programs must be nationally accredited and can include adult basic education, English as a second language, 2 or 4-year technical, professional or undergraduate programs.
On-line training programs do not qualify as training.
OR have a promise of a job that will start within 30 days of your application for subsidized child care.
Work MUST coincide with the hours needed for day care.
Your family's annual income is 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines listed below.